m²: 4918
San Pancho - Riviera Nayarit
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Casa Punta San Pancho, also known as Montana San Pancho is:A unique property on one of the most beautiful beaches in Nayarit, with a spectacular view, the Sunset appears all year round and incredible tropical vegetation, between palm trees and fruit trees.135 linear meters facing the sea.40 meters of beachfront facing the sea.110 linear meters along Las Palmas Street.It has a Property Title, all its services and documents are in order.Use of special T-15 land to build 8 super houses all with ocean views or a first-world boutique hotel, with a view of Sayulita Bay, San Pancho Bay and towards the mountains in the Mexican Pacific. Due to the relief of the land, it is ideal for building a heliport. Simply the house of your dreams to enjoy or the project of your dreams.
Actualizado en noviembre 23, 2024 en 3:44 am